Wednesday, January 21, 2009

the future is bright!

i cannot begin to convey the relief, joy, excitement and hope i experienced yesterday. i have to say, it was the best day i've had in a really long time.
i woke up with a heavy heart, loaded Zaka and Hannah into the car, and embarked upon a road trip up to Arroyo Grande to visit the kitty ophthalmologist. Hannah tried to talk me into believing in the possibillity that Zak didn't have cancer, but i needed to be prepared for the worst. i had already decided to sell my car to pay for his treatment, and was coming up with new pirate names for my soon-to-be one-eyed cat.
On the drive up we found a strong, clear radio station to listen to the inauguration speech given by Barack Obama. Hannah and I talked politics, civil rights, progress, hope, responsibility. we talked about the past and the future.
At the ophthalmologist's office, we learned that Zaka's eye has a virtually harmless cyst. no cancer! the doctor will just need to monitor the development of the cyst, and if it becomes troublesome she'll remove it. she was concerned because Zak had some white blood cells floating around in both eyes, so he still needs to have some bloodwork done and he now gets daily eyedrops. that's it!!!
last night before going to sleep i watched Michelle and Barack Obama dance as Beyonce sang "At Last." this morning, i watched the sun rise over a new country.

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful. I hope you can come back to this moment whenever you need it! See you in a week and a half.
